Triphala benefits seem to be endless. It is one of the most popular herbal combinations of powders, which have been used in ayurvedic medicine for ages. As the name suggests Triphala powder is made by mixing powder of three fruits namely  Amla( Emblica Officinalis) , Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica) and Haritaki (Terminalia chebula). The common names for these herbs are Amla, Bahera, and Harada respectively.  The powder of the three herbs is made from the fruits without the seeds. Each of the fruit powder is mixed together in the ratio of 3:2:1, where Amla is (3parts) Bahera (2parts) and Harada(1 part).


Though in the market these days most of the companies make Triphala in the ratio of 1:1:1. The benefits of Triphala remain very limited if it is consumed in this ratio as Triphala made in this ratio is used to treat very few diseases but if one wants to have full benefits of Triphala for general well-being, 3:2:1 ratio is recommended.   Now let us study about each fruit individually.

Amalaki (Emblica Officinalis)

  • Amla is a fruit that is the richest source of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), it contains 20 times more vitamin C as compared to an orange.
  • It helps in balancing Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas in the body.
  • The major chemical components of amla are phenols, flavonoids, and tannins, along with other antioxidants.
  • It is a diuretic, laxative and natural hair dye. Amla cures insomnia and is healthy for hair. It is used as cardioprotective, Amla powder is used in Ayurvedic shampoos for the treatment of scalp. Amla powder boosts your immunity power and helps in fighting cold and cough. It provides strength to the body and improves complexion and has anti-aging properties because of high antioxidants in it. Amla is also used to treat constipation.
  • Amla helps purify the blood and also helps in blood circulation, thus maintaining the proper functioning of the body.
  • It increases protein synthesis and also helps in muscle toning.
  • It aids the absorption of calcium and other minerals into our bodies.

Bhibitaki (Terminalia chebula)

  • Bhibitaki helps in taking care of the proper balance of all the systems of our body. It acts as a blood purifier and helps curb hemorrhage.
  • Bhibitaki acts as a body cleanser (rechak), removing harmful toxins, and excess fats out of the body.
  • It is effective in drying and removing excessive mucus (cough) or fluid build-up present within the body
  • It nourishes our hair roots and enriches hair color and texture.

Haritaki (Terminalia bellirica)

  • It provides immense benefits to mental health and well-being.
  • Haritaki provides an effective cure against piles, anemia, diarrhea, G.I infections, and gallstones.
  • It helps in fighting fever, headache, cough, and asthma.
  • It is effective against heart diseases and helps regulate blood glucose levels in the body.

How to use consume Triphala and its effects

There are two rules for taking Triphala, one can take Triphala either in the morning(empty stomach ) or at night. If taken at night with warm milk or lukewarm water it cleanses all your body parts and has a detox effect on your body. It effectively cleanses your stomach and eliminates constipation. If taken in the morning either with jaggery or honey it gives nutrition to the body.

Health Benefits of Triphala.

We have simply seen the advantages of each ingredient that is needed to make Triphala powder. All the herbs together are beneficial for treating multiple ailments, because the most vital of the Triphala uses is that it helps in removing accumulated toxins from the body.

Weight loss

Triphala is recommended in the treatment of obesity. Take Triphala in the morning along with jaggery/honey and drink a glass of lukewarm water afterward. After consuming for 4-5 months we find that a person becomes more energetic and also starts losing extra weight. Triphala is a very potent remedy for severe constipation and effective formula for colon cleansing. It can be safely used as a home remedy for constipation.


Triphala powder is additionally said to be beneficial for the eyes. It helps in strengthening the muscles of the eyes and improves eyesight and also helps in curing a variety of eye problems, like cataracts, glaucoma, progressive myopia also as conjunctivitis. 

Effect on liver

The use of Triphala is claimed to be beneficial for the liver because it helps in secretion of bile juices, that are necessary for burning fats. At an equivalent time, it helps in reducing water retention and thereby induces weight loss. The benefits of Triphala seem to be endless.


 The normal method of consuming Triphala is to take 1 teaspoon of the powder with lukewarm water or warm milk before going to bed. For weight loss or giving nutrition to the body, it should be taken along with jaggery/honey. Always remember to take Triphala only once in a day.


After consuming it for 3 months, take a gap of 15-20 days then again consume for 3 months and the cycle can be repeated so on. It is important to give a gap of 15-20 days otherwise the body gets habitual to it. Always remember to take this precaution as we may experience some weakness in the body that may remain for 3-4 days even after discontinuation. It is advisable not to eat/drink anything after consuming Triphala.  It is necessary to strictly follow this rule.

 Side Effects

Triphala powder is quite safe and it doesn’t have any side effects when taken within the recommended dosage. It can be consumed by anyone after the age of twelve. It acts as a natural anti-aging agent, hence it is usually recommended to people within the higher age bracket. However, it should be taken under medical supervision by pregnant women or by people suffering from conditions like diarrhea, dysentery, etc.

Rejuvenation from Triphala

 Rejuvenation from Triphala: it is capable of complete rejuvenation.  It is Vata, Pitta, Kapha – Tridoshanashak and Rasayana.    A person who wants to get rejuvenated should buy Triphala powder made in the ratio of 3:2:1, amla(3parts) Behera(2parts)haritaki(1 part). For complete rejuvenation, there is a law to take Triphala powder for eleven years.  If Triphala powder is consumed continuously for eleven years or so the following benefits are stated by way of poem

प्रथम वर्ष तन सुस्ती जाय। द्वितीय रोग सर्व मिट जाय ॥ तृतीय नैन बहु ज्योति समावे। चौथै सुन्दरताई आवे। पंचम वर्ष बुद्धि अधिकाई। षष्ठम महाबली हो जाई । केश श्वेत श्याम होय सप्तम। वृद्ध तन तरुण होई पुनि अष्ठम दिन में तारे दीखें सही। नवम वर्ष फल अस्तुत कही ॥ दशम शारदा कंठ विराजे। अन्धकार हिरदै का भाजे ॥ जो एकादश द्वादश खाय । ताको वचन सिद्ध हो जाय ॥ 

  • Consumption for one year removes dizziness.  
  • Many diseases can be cured after consuming it for two years.
  • Eyesight increases from the third year. 
  • By taking four years, the beauty on the face increases immensely. 
  • Intense development of intelligence occurs after consumption for five years. 
  • Consumption for six years increases infinite strength in the body. 
  • By consuming for seven years, gray hair becomes black.
  • By the end of the eighth year, an old person can feel young again
  • The stars are visible in the day after the ninth year. 
  • After consuming for ten years, the goddess Saraswati (goddess of knowledge) becomes inhabited in your throat and there is a feeling of divine light in the heart.
  •  Word attainment can be attained after consuming Triphala for eleven years. That is the person who consumes it becomes so capable that when he utters about something, he does not go empty by proving to be true.

The above benefits might sound exaggerated. Its real benefits are extraordinary but may differ from person to person.

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Comments (3)

  • SEO Reseller
    SEO Reseller January 31, 2020 at 4:46 pm

    Awesome post! Keep up the great work! :)

  • AffiliateLabz
    AffiliateLabz February 15, 2020 at 10:16 pm

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